
Letter – Maintenance should be paid by both parents

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Letter – Maintenance should be paid by both parents

Ngandu Hisckia SN

Child support (maintenance) is an ongoing, periodic payment made by a parent for the financial benefit of a child, following the end of a marriage or other similar relationship. 

Child maintenance is paid directly or indirectly by an obligor to an obligee for the care and support of children of a relationship that has been terminated – or in some cases, never existed. Often, the obligor is a non-custodial parent. The obligee is typically a custodial parent, a caregiver or a guardian.

It is sad to see a child who receives support from the father or mother suffer. 

Some women or men deliberately do things that hurt men or women to get separated and later placed in child support order, then use the money for their benefits, such as buying toiletries, drinking, buying new clothes and even going to an extent of spoiling their new partners with the child’s money while the child is at the farm, suffering with the grandparents. 

One of the reasons child support must be paid by both parties is that some parents, once they take the other parent to the ministry of gender to get child maintenance, stop trying in life and rely on the child’s money. 

Some drop out of school and some close their business, so in the end the child’s money get misused. 

Moreover, fathers or mothers of such children try hard to provide, but when they request their child to be given to them, the other parent refuses because they benefit a lot from the child support order. 

Therefore, the ministry of gender can try to visit all children who receive child support and see how they are living; not all of them are not been taken care of, but a majority of these children maybe only taste a cake from their money once in five months or nothing at all. 

Grandparents are the ones taking care of these children, despite the child’s parents receiving child support money.

I suggest that child support should be paid by both parties. This means that the parents of the child should open a bank account, where both parents deposit money for their child, and it should be a must that both parents pay the child’s maintenance – whether or not the child is with either parent. 

The parent who receives child support money should provide monthly receipts of things they buy for these children after they receive the money or provide a record of how the money was spent.

The ministry of gender should also try visiting children who receive this support so they see how these kids are living. 

Kids are going to school barefoot but they receive child support money monthly. 

This money is meant for taking care of these children – not for parents or guardians to use for other purposes.