
Geingob: Cultivate positive national identity

Home National Geingob: Cultivate positive national identity
Geingob: Cultivate positive national identity

OUTAPI – Buoyed by the massive turnout at a fully packed Olufuko Centre in Outapi, President Hage Geingob yesterday said after 33 years of sustained progress, there is still work to be done for the country to achieve its goals.

In his speech to celebrate Namibia’s 33rd Independence Day, Geingob said, “I am fully aware that after 33 years of sustained progress and numerous milestones, there is still work to be done for us to achieve the dreams and aspirations outlined in our National Development Plans,” 

he said. 

The centre was packed with the young, the old and residents from near and far. 

Over 15 000 people showed up for the event, themed ‘A People United for Prosperity’.

The high turnout caused the President to inform the VIPs the lunch prepared for them would be given to the masses instead.   

Some of the residents stood in line from as early as 06h00, adorned in colourful traditional garbs, waving Namibian flags.

Geingob also said, “I outlined, in my State of the Nation Address, key government policies and strategies aimed at taking advantage of our natural resources and economic green shoots. Through these policies and strategies, we plan to develop the green hydrogen industry as well as oil and gas sub-sectors, and enhance agricultural production as a means for accelerating industrial development and job creation in Namibia”.

Earlier this month, the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor) announced a third oil discovery with partners Shell and QatarEnergy in the Jonker-1X deepwater exploration well in the Orange Basin offshore southern Namibia.

Minister of mines Tom Alweendo has confirmed these discoveries are of commercial quantities, likely in billions of barrels. 

He said exploration companies are keen to accelerate the process to production – and that in four years, they should start producing. 

Geingob said the government understands the needs of its people for jobs, shelter, food and self-actualisation – and therefore, it remains seized with improving the livelihoods of all citizens with the understanding that only through shared prosperity can peace be maintained.

The president further reminded the masses that 

Namibians live in an ever-changing world with numerous challenges and opportunities.  

“Therefore, as we navigate our course towards prosperity and a better life for all, we must remain vigilant in order to circumvent the various obstacles that are ahead of us. Let us, therefore, take courage from our recent successes in curbing the onslaught of Covid-19 and adopt the tried and tested principles of unity and teamwork, which have enabled us to prevail against all odds. I have the utmost confidence that if we continue in the Harambee spirit, we will enjoy countless successes moving forward as a nation,” he said.

The President urged Namibians to reject any efforts to divide them based on tribal, ethnic, racial, gender or religious differences.  

As a government, committed to the improvement of the social welfare of Namibians, we will always strive to protect the fundamental rights of all and ensure we all follow in the spirit of One Namibia, One Nation.

The head of the state also encouraged Namibians to pursue economic emancipation with determination.  

“We should endeavour to place the national good above personal interest, bias or prejudices. We must cultivate the positive aspects of our national identity and realise that only by holding hands and pulling together in one direction will we be able to continue our development journey. Wherever there are shortcomings, we should all take responsibility to correct them, for this is our national duty; this is our country – and this is the only place on earth that we can call home,” Geingob indicated. 

The country received over 30 congratulatory messages from countries all over the world that were read to the attendees during the event.