
Letter – Disappointing exam results call for answers

Home Letters Letter – Disappointing exam results call for answers

AC Obholzer


A child’s (pupil) name is Tomorrow. It deserves the environment and opportunity to develop its full, mental, physical and emotional potential. A child’s education is a holistic team effort. It is the product, of the community, with many role-players – the parents (grandparents), teachers (principal), sports coach, pastor (even if Namibia is secular), media and fellow pupils.

The single-biggest threat is the handicap of poverty. Education comes second to the quest for survival, with limited resources. Transport is a factor. The single-biggest asset cornerstone for a child’s future is a stable, loving and safe home environment. The child is planned, to feed, to clothe, to shelter, to educate, to, grow healthy. It has identity with guiding support. It is not spoilt. It is a blessing and joy. If the home base is defective, the school cannot be blamed if the results are poor. A child, with an empty stomach and insecurity anxiety, is not receptive to education. A seed planted on rocky/dry soil will not germinate.

Poverty is linked to poor role model relationships, end of month, cul de sac binge drinking, gender-based violence, assaults, accidents, child abuse and neglect. A child growing up in a shack, with a nomadic father, has no privacy, security, access to or space for homework, clean water, hygiene, toilet and light. It may end up a street child – a lost, forgotten generation in correctional services.

A functional literacy education is the key to a better future. It is the responsibility of every parent to offer this to their children. If not, they are guilty of child abuse/neglect. 

The school must instill a culture of order, discipline and pride. Nobody must be left behind. 

Ethos (morality/ethics/honesty), logos (logical, analytical, deductive thinking), pathos (curious, creative, enthusiasm & motivation) is the driving compass. Effort and will has its rewards – success. The team (together everybody achieves more) must identity the weak links and repair them.

Girls should have access to VAT-free tampons so as not to miss out during periods. 

Junk food/drinks at tuck shops should be replaced. Teachers should teach the basics like reading (comprehension), writing (expression), arithmetic (measurement in the fourth industrial revolution of figures and data) and relationships. They should also teach pupils to think, why, how and wherefore?

I dream, feel, think, say and do – I become me.

Every morning, a new start for a better tomorrow – work on compound interest, day by day.

Your health (life) is your single-biggest asset. Grow and thrive. Think like Mandela, and overcome challenges: I am the captain of my soul, I am the master of my destiny, God willing!

If you fail to plan, believe and maintain, you plan to fail.