
Letter – Cut me some slack, please

Home Letters Letter – Cut me some slack, please
Letter – Cut me some slack, please

Alvenus F Dreyer

Exactly how precise must a human being be, how precise with their achievements, with their humanness and with their everyday dealings as a people not created to absolute perfection? 

If someone could be kind enough and fair to provide me with some answers pertaining to these questions, I bet in my lifetime I would not even think of writing this opinion piece. 

At times, it seems as if our expectations regarding others’ performance and deliverables outdo the little bit or even the extraordinary achievements of people. 

It’s as if a student has been passing his/her test with 80% and above, but suddenly when the pupil obtains 50% and less, it’s as if this student doesn’t deserve to be even classified as a top performer. People are so quick to judge, to condemn, and to give counter-productive opinions and

Yet, they are nowhere to be found to provide those from whom they expect so much with even a piece of good advice, or at least some acts of encouragement. 

Instead, we sit on the sidelines or even more comfortably on the stadium (pavilion) under the shade, listing and pointing out the other person’s wrongs, mistakes and failures. 

I am reminded of an elder who once during a community meeting said it takes time and effort to build a house, but it can take only as much as a few minutes to demolish the house. 

We all have the right to probably scrutinise actions by others, if for instance accountability and transparency issues are involved. 

But my holly-molly, what is this paranoia of people so much sticking their noses into places where they really don’t belong? I am sure that someone will agree that if some of us could just mind our own business, the world would be a much better place to live in. 

Too many unfortunate circumstances prevailed and are still prevailing as a result of people interfering in other people’s affairs. 

Just because the other person is your neighbour, is your friend/relative, your colleague, the person you socialise with (no matter where) or the person you read about in the papers or see on television, does in no way declare that you know the person. 

The only person who will know anything, everything or whatever needs to be known, is only the person him or herself. 

Until we are invited to give opinion, input, advice and whatever else is needed from us, let us stay in our own lanes. And please, a very kind and humble request, if it’s not too much to ask, cut me some slack, please.