
Entrepreneurs crave friendly business environment

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Entrepreneurs crave friendly business environment

RUNDU – The Namibian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) Kavango East branch is committed and ready to work with the Rundu Town Council to create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship.

 The chamber believes the business community can make a difference in the economy of the town if the council comes to the party.

“Back in the days at the beginning of economic literature, politics and economics were not separated so it used to be called political economy. That is political leaders working together with the market, and business community to deliver economic prosperity,” said Geraldoh Illarius representing the business community through NCCI Kavango East.

Illarius was speaking at the mayoral breakfast held by NCCI, in conjunction with the Rundu Town Council and other stakeholders, yesterday.

“It is for this reason that we are here today, leaders and entrepreneurs for a common goal – our people, the region, and our country,” he said.

“To find a solution to our stagnant economy which is now breeding all sorts of social ills such as unemployment, poverty, ghettos, and hunger. The Rundu population is estimated at around 87 000, and has one of the largest numbers of food insecure households and jobless youth.”

According to Illarius, the situation requires a different approach to how the leadership of the town and entrepreneurs interact and work together, and it will not be business as usual in their action forward. 

The chamber will submit a memorandum of understanding to council which will call for them to collaborate in the area of economic development. 

“This is because reviving the town’s economy and attracting investment needs more to be done, starting with this mayoral forum. The chamber is committed and ready to work with the town council in creating an enabling environment for entrepreneurship,” he said.

On his part, Rundu mayor Gabriel Kanyanga said he is aware the town is faced with numerous challenges in terms of service delivery which also affects business.

“This is mostly due to insufficient revenue collections in order for council to acquire most of the necessary equipment to bring improvements. The engine for the growth of any economy lies with the business sector and I am particularly happy to note that we have qualified individuals in our town that can help us,” he said.

Kanyanga urged the business community in and outside Rundu to support the town in its quest to improve service delivery.

He invited them to start by supporting its business activity like the trade fair where a platform for entrepreneurs is set for them to promote their services.

“I wish to extend my whole-hearted invitation to all to take part in the upcoming Rundu Annual Trade Fair which is scheduled to take part from 28 October to 5 November at the Kavango Convention Centre,” he said.

A gala dinner is also scheduled for 30 September.

“The patron of our trade fair is honourable John Mutorwa, the minister of works and transport,’’ the mayor noted. This year’s trade fair will be held under the theme: ‘Re-imaging the Socio-Economic Progress of Rundu Through Trade Expositions’,” the mayor said.



Caption: (Rundu) Cooperate… Rundu business people believe they can make a difference in the economy of the town.

Photo: Contributed