
Age does not determine success

Home Youth Corner Age does not determine success
Age does not determine success

Not one to wait for someone to give him a job, Josef Iipinge Erro Shikesho started Tuyoleni Network Marketing late last year.

Already possessing a degree in mathematics and statistics from NUST, the 22-year-old Shikesho is now pursuing studies in economics at the same institution. 

In addition to doing online marketing since starting Tuyoleni in November 2021, the company has diversified, and now also build houses.

Shikesho said Tuyoleni Marketing is the first network marketing company to construct houses and has thus far built 53 houses for low-income people.

“I always have this thing that age should not determine your success. I want to make a positive impact in society and also employ my fellow youths,” he told Youth Corner.

Shikesho stressed that they have many people lining up with requests for houses, and this motivates him to remain focused.

 “The only challenge we have so far is lack of land. We have so many customers that need houses through our company, but the availability of land is delaying us in many cases,” he said.

Shikesho stated that Tuyoleni is operating countrywide and about 2 000 people are members of the Tuyoleni group. “We should not rely on the government for job creation but we should use the skills and knowledge we have to provide work for ourselves and to the nation at large. I always see unemployment as an opportunity for job creation,” he said.

To know more about Tuyoleni, visit their office at the Oshilemba complex along the Ongwediva main road or contact Shikesho at 0813452659.

– fhamlwa@nepc.com.na