
Letter – Tribute to Thomas ‘Striker’ Mabuku

Letter – Tribute to Thomas ‘Striker’ Mabuku

Thomas ‘Striker’ Mabuku rested on 25 July 2024. I am moved to pay tribute to this sports hero, a man whose name became almost synonymous with sports in the Caprivi (now Zambezi) region. 

My first encounter with Thomas Mabuku was not in person, but through the stories and acclaim that surrounded him. He was one of the well-known soccer players in the region during the 1980s. 

His teammates, Pax ‘Barbed Wire’ Mwanawina, Felix ‘Master’ Mukasa, James ‘Lancas’ Sankwasa, Stanely Simataa and Percy W Misika were part of an era that gave us unforgettable moments on the field. Those of my generation often say soccer in Katima lost its spark when these players retired.

Ironically, ‘Striker’ was not an attacker, but a right-back defender. Striker was firm, agile and steady, possessing a combination of speed and strength that made him a formidable opponent for any attacker. He played for three notable teams: Musanga Red Warriors, Bright Stars and Namib Chiefs. His fame grew significantly with Bright Stars, where he captained the team for many years.

One memorable experience with Striker was when we, the younger players, accompanied him to a match against a high school team on the outskirts of Katima Mulilo. Despite my initial complaint about being hungry, Striker’s stern look conveyed a powerful message of resilience and focus. After the game, which we won, he ensured I was the first to be served food — an act of leadership that left a lasting impression on me.

In the last year or two of his playing career, Striker joined Namib Chiefs, where I had the honour of serving as captain and coach. 

His remarkable demeanour and dedication made it unsurprising that he was appointed the regional sports development officer shortly after Namibia’s independence. 

In this role, he laid a critical foundation for sports in the Zambezi region. His contributions extended beyond the region when he was transferred to the headquarters in Windhoek, where he continued to excel.

Thomas ‘Striker’ Mabuku’s impact on Namibia’s sports sector is immeasurable. His dedication and exemplary sportsmanship affected positive change on a wider scale. 

When the Namibia Annual Sports Award honoured him with a lifetime achievement award for his contributions to the sports sector a few years ago, it was a well-deserved recognition.

His legacy will endure, inspiring future generations of athletes and sports enthusiasts.

*Linus Chata is a former soccer player who played alongside Striker.