EENHANA – Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) el ec tora l officer in the Ohangwena region Henock Hanga has confirmed the completion of the counting of votes from all 472 polling stations. He said problems wi th the network issues hampered the uploading of results on the system. Speaking to Nampa on Friday, he said all 12 const ituencies completed counting by the end of Thursday, but progress was slow due to network fai lure. “We have teams that have uploaded successfully and those that are pending. As we speak, some teams are managing and uploading. I just hope it will continue like that without issues,” he noted. He equally said Ohangwena is not part of the extended election process as accorded to other areas.
He stated that on election day, 25 polling stations experienced ballot paper shortages but managed to source from other teams.
“We managed to finish with the people who were waiting for us. I think that is one of the reasons that we could not get an extension,” he said.
Ohangwena received 154 100 ballot papers , and has 140 212 eligible voters . -Nampa