Enjoy your trip of life in 2016

Home Letters Enjoy your trip of life in 2016

Life has no extra time as it is a case in a soccer match. The year itself is a fixed asset, with only 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, each with 24 hours only.

Therefore, it is important to have vision, know your purpose in life, and not letting negative programmes to divert you from your journey for life. This is really the greatest investment into one’s greatest asset – called personality.Every successful person has clear vision and purpose for life.

Thus, they are not vulnerable to destruction and deception. In life, there are only two groups of people that we relate with on daily basis, namely; the good guys’ actors and the bad guys’ actors. The purpose of my writing is therefore to inspire somebody to be aware that even the bad guys actors are there for life time advancement and leading us into doors of opportunities.

This is a group of people who make sure that they fabricate rumours about others and gossiping nicely, “ano okaanda kadje edu”. In life, you can hear some dirtiest and craziest things about you that you do not even know about yourself; don’t be moved and spend sleepless nights in 2016, don’t be concerned about what are they thinking or saying about you, it is none of your business. Many people got high blood pressures, and other sickness, not because there too many diseases in the world, but as a result of overloading one’s own mind with what the bad guys actors are saying. You will never find an agenda of gossipers with the names of foolish people in the streets, never!

Beware that if you rise to the top, you become a topic and if you are ahead anywhere, you will definitely become headlines, both for bad guys’ actors and good guys’ actors of your life. This implies that if people are gossiping about you, then you are somebody, not a no-body at all. Enjoy your life, walk in love, refuse to be driven into funny competitions.

If somebody doesn’t greet you; that cannot make lesser that what you are, and above all, you won’t lose anything. Why should you care or have inner conflict? You must be focus to enjoy your trip of life. If somebody dislikes you – that is his/her role; if she hates you, leave her to act her role, if they are ever gossiping about you – that is again their responsibilities. We must appreciate these groups as they work together for our advancement and not otherwise.

Practical example, during the liberation struggle of Namibia, there were some bad guys actors who were responsible for fabricated dirtiest stories against the Founding Father (Dr Sam Nuyoma), but because he was a visionary man, he was not moved out of his purpose to liberate Namibia from apartheid regime, and this was attained in the year 1990.

You cannot deceive a person who knows his destination (vision)! In the bible days, there was also a man called Joseph, who was sold as slave to Egypt by his own siblings because they were jealous about his great dream. Joseph never hated his siblings for playing their roles of as bad guys’ actors of his life. Choose to ignore the nonsense and you will enjoy Year 2016.Dr. P.S. SharpsOtjiwarongo