Counter-terrorism measures must be accompanied by an holistic approach that promotes prevention and peaceful resolution of prolonged conflicts.
On July 24 2013 in Malaysia, Puchong Bandar, Setia Walk – together with some Nigerians scholars – we had a debate on “The Threat of Global Terrorism” triggered by events surrounding coup d’état in Egypt. We explored the many dimensions of this challenge to civilisation.
We alleged that terrorism has existed throughout the ages. No nation and no region has escaped its evil. No race, religion or region is without guilt in perpetrating it.
Terrorism cannot be defeated by a mere law-and-order approach. Tough counter-terrorism measures, intelligence operations and military measures must be accompanied by an holistic approach that promotes conditions conducive to the prevention and peaceful resolution of prolonged conflicts.
Terrorism can only be combated if its ideological appeal is neutralised. All societies need to counter radicalisation and de-legitimise ideologues and theocrats, who distort race and religion to gain power and justify heinous crimes. This is a challenge for the education system.
In a majority of Muslim societies, promotion of sectarian divisions by religious and political fanatics is providing fertile ground for extremist ideas. A strong, coherent counter-narrative is needed.
If people have something to live for, perhaps they may not seek something to die for. Fair wealth distribution and development can blunt the appeal of radical ideologies within disadvantaged communities. In this context it must be noted that if policies and programmes to help the marginalised are to succeed, corruption must be eliminated.
Wherever there is oppression and injustice, there will always be people prepared to die on their feet rather than live on their knees. Israel must bear this in mind in Palestine. In sum, terrorism is a mere symptom. We may be in denial about its real causes.
Desiderius S.L Amutenya