Jan Jonker learners hard at it

Home Youth Corner Jan Jonker learners hard at it


WINDHOEK– Many schools are currently going through their exams to signal the end of the first semester of the year. Youth Corner Sabina Elago speaks to Jan Jonker Afrikaners Secondary School learners on how the April examinations are going on and how well they have prepared for them.

Jeannes-Couis Beukes (Grade 11):  “We started with languages and they were all fine. I am prepared and ready for this examination and I am still studying just to make sure all is well. I am fully committed to my books now and I am cut loose on my social life because I want to reach my target marks. I joined a study  group because that way we learn from each other. I make sure I rest well as resting is also needed.”

Bradleg Kinda (Grade 8):
 “Everything is going well. I am not yet ready because the subject we started with I find them very easy, but I now that I am done with I have gotten very busy with studying as I want to get pass with high points in all my subjects.”

Dina Johannes (Grade12):  “So far so good, the subjects that we alraedy wrote were not so bad. We have covered a lot in all subjects this semester and I am trying my best to get up to date with all my subjects, and that is by revising what we have learned. I want to get good point in all my subjects and I am trying so hard to do that.”

Fimanekeni Kashidulika (Grade 12): “So far everything is well. I have been studying and going through old examinations question papers just to familiarise myself with the questions that are being asked. I will keep studying hard and try getting help from other learners that understand  different subjects better. I will try to be calm for me not to panic when writing my exam. I want to do very well in all my subject and I am sure I can do that.”


Haipinge Shiwenda (Grade9):  “The examination is going well so far. I study everyday and I have my mother helping me with my school work, this makes my studying very easy as she gives me courage to study hard. I make use of every class we get now and invite others so we study in a group just in case there is something I do not understand and other understand.”


Latoya Christiaans (Grade 9):  “The examination is going well and I am 100 percent prepared. I do not wait for the examination to study, I study all time and that make everything easy for me. For now I am just doing revision on all my subjects, so whatever come I am ready for it. I am working hard to make sure I get the point that I want.”


Natanael Shuuya (Grade 9): “With what we have already writte I cannot complain. I am well prepared and I still study everyday even with the noisy environment I live in. I always try to find a way to my book and pay attention. I always make summary of what I study, as this helps me to see what I have not yet covered. I want to pass all my subjects and I will do that by studying hard.”


Sdutenic !Owoses (Grade 8): “Everything is going very well as I prepared myself well for this examination and I am ready for all the papers. I set up questions for myself when studying and I am studying very hard as I want to reach my goals.”