Ovahongwa ponganda yomahongero wokombanda ya Namibia, ousipi oUnama, mave kuwa nokuningirwa okurikwamba korutu rwombazu okukurisa eraka nombazu ya kOuherero.
Author: Correspondent (Correspondent )
Opinion – Small-holder farmers’ perceptions of climate change
The term small-holder farmer refers to a producer that cultivates crops or rears livestock on a limited scale for subsistence purposes. The majority of small-scale farmers, especially in Namibia, rely on rain-fed agriculture to grow food production and secure their livelihoods.
Opinion – My experiences as a teacher
When I went to the teachers’ college in 2006, I didn’t have the slightest idea of what I was getting into.
Opinion – In defence of Ukraine
Two weeks ago, The Namibian published a very moving article on the Russian war on Ukraine titled: ‘Namibians, Where is Your Outrage? Where is Your Support?’
Letter – Retain profits in the Namibian economy
Namibia is crying today because our economic policies are at times too diplomatic. A perfect Independence Day endowment would be a policy that will shake Namibia’s wealth bag so that all Namibians may eat and live above the poverty line.
Letter – We will fight for ourselves
We have noticed how those who work by order without knowledge had to avert a peaceful demonstration this week, and it is sad to learn about how Namibians were forced to celebrate 33 years of suffering in a country that their grandparents fought for.
Know Your Civil Servant – Positivity can improve teaching, learning in rural schools
Obedy Mabuta Nsundano is a public school teacher who said is not deterred by the negative perception of teaching and learning in under-resourced rural schools.
LEX SCRIPTA with Fedden Mainga Mukwata – Citizenship by descent
When the respondent applied for the registration of the minor child’s citizenship by descent, the Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration required him to submit to a DNA paternity test to prove that it was the respondent and not his Mexican same-sex spouse who contributed the male gamete (reproductive cell).
Rosalia Abraham a woman of the struggle
Nonagenarian Kuku Rosalia Abraham, or ‘Gwakasindo’, as she is affectionately known, is a 91 year old vibrant and rather youthful-looking great grandmother, who hails from Iikoko village in the Omuntele constituency in Oshikoto region.
City Police Traffic Tips: Understand the powers of traffic officers
Numerous people often commute through the City of Windhoek by car and while doing so any one of them could occasionally run into a traffic officer.