Author: Festus Nakatana (Festus Nakatana )

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opinion – Mainstream media sustainability amid digital transformation

opinion – Mainstream media sustainability amid digital transformation

It is a challenging time for media operations everywhere.  Printed media sustainability has been sliding towards the abyss due to declining advertising revenue, reduced circulation and loss to technology giants.  Advertising revenue is the lifeblood of newspapers’ ability to remain profitable. This reality rings true in Namibia, considering that circulations of virtually all mainstream print...

Omukulupe a nyekwa N$250 000

Omukulupe a nyekwa N$250 000

Omukulupe weedula 62 okwa ponokelwa kookalyamupombo vatatu ndele tave mu kufa oshimaliwa N$250 000 osho a hangika e a humbata motuwa yaye.  Oshiningwanima eshi osha ningwa Omaandaxa efimbo longula lwopotundi 10h50 moWindhoek.