Author: NSK (NSK )

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NSK’s monthly favs: June

NSK’s monthly favs: June

Let’s continue our monthly tradition of sharing a personal playlist of strictly Namibian music. As usual, evidently there is a need to add a disclaimer: This list that I share monthly is not a New Era list. It is not sanctioned by New Era or endorsed by the publication in anyway.  This list is not...

Industry Loop –  I miss Nam hip-hop

Industry Loop – I miss Nam hip-hop

On World Music Day (21 June), I would just like to go back to the good old days when Namibian hip-hop was actually a thing. Back to a time when Namibian hip-hop actually filled venues.

Industry Loop –   Census 2023 …a wake-up call!

Industry Loop – Census 2023 …a wake-up call!

The findings of the preliminary results of the 2023 Housing and Population Census (HPC) should be a great opportunity for both the powers that be and the entertainment and arts sector. Why? Because one of the findings affects both sides of the coin exponentially.