
Author: Ramouna Shipunda (Ramouna Shipunda )

Home Ramouna Shipunda
Confidence killed my shame

Confidence killed my shame

Being plus-size doesn’t necessarily equate to being unhealthy. Some plus-size women exercise regularly but don’t lose weight because of their bone structure, while others have health conditions that prevent them from losing weight, says plus-size model Michelle Mushimba.

Beneath the surface

Beneath the surface

In the midst of performing one of her new songs recently, multi-award-winning singer Adora broke into tears because the song is in remembrance of her friend who took his own life.

Shooting all things beautiful

Shooting all things beautiful

Otjiwarongo’s top photographers Eino Eino and Jacky Kennedy Kondiri are certain the art of traditional photography will never die – even at a time when many people have smartphones that take equally good pictures.