Author: Reverend Jan Scholtz (Reverend Jan Scholtz )

Home Reverend Jan Scholtz
Opinion – Bribes, patronage and gift-giving

Opinion – Bribes, patronage and gift-giving

Corruption is the menace of public power for private gain (Susan Rose-Ackerman 1998). Agency-principal relationships in the public sector give rise to corrupt opportunities. This definition, however, simply assumes that a distinction exists between one’s public and private roles.  In many societies, no such clear distinction exists. In the private sector, gift-giving has become a...

Opinion –  Dare to dream

Opinion – Dare to dream

SINCE the dawn of time, dreams have fascinated mankind. Dreams from the Bible, from mystics, shamans, wise men, poets, authors, artists, scientists, and psychologists have always been a source of creativity and knowledge and have been crucial to the development of civilisation.