As a user of public transport, I often have the chance to engage with taxi drivers on the way to my destination. On one of my recent trips, I had the rare chance to hear a taxi driver speak candidly about his life as a driver in the public transport sector.
Author: Staff Reporter (Staff Reporter )
Editorial – Namibian men should do better
The concept of a men’s conference started as a joke and well-recycled memes on social media but this week Namibia created a great platform for men of different ages and backgrounds to discuss one of the topical issues of our time.
Know your civil servant – There’s more to public service than money
Most young people, including university graduates, are often reluctant to join the public service due to the belief that it does not pay well. But Fourie Nhoni- Shuuya advises the youth that there is more to public service jobs than money.
5 000 GBV cases reported last year
The Namibian Police recorded 5 320 cases of gender-based violence perpetrated mostly against women and children last year.
New Onandjokwe hospital offices opened
To improve service delivery and offer heads of departments at the Onandjokwe hospital a professional space to work in, the Pupkewitz Foundation built eight new offices, a boardroom and ablution facilities.
Geingob calls for end to GBV
President Hage Geingob has once again urged all Namibians to redouble efforts to end violence against women and girls, and to build a safe Namibian house, free of violence and crimes against women and girls.
Mauta kwagaruganesa yikando 100 mokudipagesako kutunda mo 2019
Konyara mauta gokusika ko 100 kwagaruganesa mokudipagesako vantu moNamibia, ano siruwo oso 410 kwagaruganesa mokuhara kudipangesako ntani hambara kulidipaga mwene monomvhura edi ntatu dakapita.
Lutombi kuna kutara momunene eyi zina kugava sitata
Conrad Lutombi, ogu gakere asi yige gagwene evango mokumupa sirugana akare mukurona gositata saWindhoek mombererwa, ngesi age kagwene nye asi yinke nawa nawa eyi navhura kugwana uwa nonzambi zendi moutano una puko. Lutombi katente asi nampili ngomu ana gwana mbapira ezi simpe gahepa kuresa nokutara asi tatambura ndi tanyoka oyo vana kugazaranb kukamupa.
Opinion -Africa’s food security calls for action
The African continent stands at a crossroads, with the World Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimating that over 278 million people in Africa or 20% suffer from chronic hunger.