
Baby dumper investigation incomplete

Home National Baby dumper investigation incomplete

WINDHOEK – The police are yet to finalise their investigations into the case of a teenage girl arrested for allegedly dumping her lifeless baby at Greenwell Matongo, Katutura. 

During her appearance in the Katutura Magistrate’s Court, Feliscia Ndevapewa Ruben, 18, was informed by the prosecution that police investigations into her case are yet to be finalised. 

With investigations not complete, Magistrate Namwenyo Shikalepo gave a return date of October 15 to give the police ample time to complete their investigations and for Ruben to acquire legal representation. 
Ruben is currently on bail of N$1 000 and the court extended her bail with a warning until her scheduled appearance in court.

The prosecution is charging the 18-year-old with a count of concealment of birth for an incident that occurred on June 7.

According to police reports, Ruben gave birth alone in their shack and dumped the baby a few metres in front of the shack. It is suspected that the baby hit its head on the floor during birth, as there were blood spots in the one-bedroom shack that she shares with her uncle and two siblings.

It is suspected the teenager gave birth by herself after her uncle went to work and her siblings to school. It is further alleged the girl after giving birth soaked the bloody blanket in the water outside the shack in the process of cleaning up the bloody room.

The teenage girl arrived in Namibia at the end of May from Onehoni village in Angola. 
On June 7, the police had to whisk the girl away from an angry mob that wanted to lynch her. The angry mob wanted to break into the shack in which the girl was hiding for her safety.