
Bessinger: Oranjemund will never be a ghost town

Home National Bessinger: Oranjemund will never be a ghost town
Bessinger: Oranjemund will never be a ghost town

ORANJEMUND OMDis Transformation Agency general manager Tony Bessinger says there is no way that Oranjemund will become just another ghost town like Kolmanskop in the south.

He said this during a recent business
conference in the southern town which formed part of the 2023 Oranjemund Diamond Festival. 

OMDis is a settlement transformation agency, tasked with the sole purpose of proactively accelerating the town transformation and the economic diversification of Oranjemund, and ensuring the town’s sustainability by 2030 and beyond.

It is a special-purpose vehicle set to manage the lofty task of transforming Oranjemund into an economically diverse local authority.

“We do have the abilities and opportunities available to transform Oranjemund into a model town and our aim is that the town should no more be dependent on mining by 2030,” said Bessinger.

He stated that the agency wants a situation where the town will be the prime factor, with Namdeb being only a responsible corporate citizen. 

“In this transition and transformation
process, we will of course need a good
healthcare system and education pipeline
flowing all the way to the tertiary level,” he said.

They aim to attract big investors to the town, in addition to the small businesses and SMEs currently operating there. 

“We need active citizens,” he said, adding these citizens must now look into ways on how to advance their personal interest and that of the town. 

“Now that the life of mining in Oranjemund has been extended by another 20 years, we, as a team, should create a better scenario whereby the town can become more effective in stimulating a robust economy.”  

Bessinger continued that Oranjemund
should in the future be regarded as a destination of choice, stating, “That is what we are going to achieve; we will not try it only.”

The agency’s manager was also adamant that after 80 years of mining activities and Oranjemund being closed to the public, their ultimate objective will be to accelerate economic diversification activities that can achieve a stable town, independent from mining by 2030. 

He also reasoned that all these things cannot happen in isolation, needing regional and local governmental role players as well as investors which will enable the transition and transformation process to be successful at the end in a spirit of transparency and trust.

“It is important to know that we must have a tourism strategy which will start with creating a brand since to become successful in life you don’t build a business, you build a brand,” Bessinger emphasised. 

This strategy includes keeping tourists in the town through easy routes of accessibility, and top-standard accommodation and hospitality. 

“Let me remind you Oranjemund is open for all levels of businesses and investors,” he reiterated.

– sklukowski@nepc.com.na