
Big Ben’s American musical odyssey

Big Ben’s American musical odyssey

Renowned recording artist Venaune Ben Kandukira, famously known as Big Ben, recently returned from a captivating journey to the United States (US), where he not only explored as a tourist, but also performed his music, creating unforgettable memories along the way.

Big Ben described to VIBEZ! that his US trip was a whirlwind of sights, sounds and soul-stirring experiences. 

He said he has always dreamt of exploring America as a tourist, and the opportunity to combine that with performing his music was simply magical. 

“From the bustling energy of New York to the serene beauty of the Pacific Northwest, every moment was a revelation. While the long travel hours were demanding, the rewards were immeasurable,” he said.

He said connecting with people, immersing himself in different cultures and sharing his music on new stages was an intoxicating blend. 

“I found myself drawn to the raw authenticity of everyday life, often finding more inspiration in the spontaneous encounters on buses and trains than in curated tours. Kent and Seattle left an indelible mark, and bus-hopping through New Jersey, Newark and Manhattan was a thrilling adventure,” he said.

The 2016 Artist of the Year believes Namibian music does have a market overseas because of its relaxed vibe, which is undoubtedly part of the country’s charm. 

“But it might be holding our music back from a global stage. In my era, the thrill of sharing music was reward enough. Today, I sense a different mindset. To break into the international market, we need that same raw hunger and determination. Our music is unique, a vibrant tapestry woven from diverse influences. We have a story to tell – a sound to share. But we must step out of our comfort zones, and actively pursue opportunities abroad,” said the artist.

He added: “It’s encouraging to see Namibian artists taking the world stage. We are putting our country on the map, but there’s still a long way to go. The world is hungry for fresh sounds, and Namibia has a lot to offer. Physical presence is key. While the internet is a powerful tool, nothing replaces live performances. We need to connect with audiences on a personal level, letting them experience the energy and passion of our music firsthand”.

While he was soaking in the land of opportunities, he said he had fruitful conversations with influential figures in the African music diaspora. 

He quickly pointed out he would rather not boast about potential collaborations. 

“I prefer to let actions speak louder than words. One key takeaway is the importance of smaller venues, pubs and clubs. They provide a platform to build a dedicated following organically. I’m also grateful for the unwavering support of the Namibian diaspora, whose enthusiasm knows no bounds,” said noted. 

Big Ben told VIBEZ! he would be travelling to the United Kingdom in August this year, and hopes to make it a successful trip as he spreads his wings.

“Beyond the performances, I am eager to explore the cities, immerse myself in its rich culture, and soak up the incredible music scene. This year, I am trading the artist hat for the tourist’s cap,” he said.

The ‘Moro Moro’ hitmaker humbly urged Namibian creatives to expand their horizons, and look for performing opportunities in neighbouring countries.

 “Hoping to be discovered on social media, such as YouTube, is not something I am ready to bet my career on. I want to go to the people, and let them have it directly. If any musician out there is willing to have a few days on the road, and sometimes sleep in the bus like in the good old days, let us talk and do it,” he said.

The enthusiastic artist went on to say “I have reached out to so many, and they all laughed at me, so I rephrased. I am not inviting discussion. We can stop talking, and just do it”.

“Let’s turn this passion into a movement. We have the talent, the spirit and the potential to conquer the region. It’s time to hit the road, and make our mark. Let’s show them what Namibian music is all about,” said the artist.
