Buy-a-Brick exhibition scoops top award

Home Business Buy-a-Brick exhibition scoops top award

Staff Reporter

Windhoek-Standard Bank’s unique Buy-a-Brick exhibition stand of a corrugated iron shack once again received another award for being the most Innovative Stall at this year’s Swakopmund International Trade Expo (SWAITEX).

This follows on its previous Gold prize at the 2017 Windhoek Show Industrial and Agricultural Show, which drew a lot of interest and onlookers from among visiting spectators.

The purpose of the bank’s stand is to raise awareness of the plight of people living in shacks around the country and to raise funds for the bank’s corporate social investment drive to provide decent houses for Namibians in low- or no-income households.

The collected funds are donated to the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia to build brick houses for its members, who currently live in shacks.

So far the bank has handed over a total of N$1.4 million in 2016 to build 44 new houses for disadvantaged residents in Rehoboth and N$2 million in 2017 to construct a total of 50 new houses in Windhoek’s Havana settlement, as well as Berseba and Otjinene in //Karas and Omaheke regions, respectively.

With a contribution of N$5 or more Namibians can contribute to making a difference by placing their deposits into the Standard Bank’s Buy a Brick Account: 60001469613.