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Fish River Canyon: An ultimate experience

Fish River Canyon: An ultimate experience

/Ai-/Ais – Tourists who completed the 80km Fish River Canyon hiking trail described it as the ultimate experience, compared to other nature walks in Africa.  Cecil Biker (70), who hails from South Africa, told VIBEZ! that he completed the trail for a second time, and plans to do so every five years until he reaches...

Struggling artist says nothing will stop him 

Struggling artist says nothing will stop him 

Limba Mupetami  Hallo Naugaweseb, a 50-year-old mixed-media artist, embodies resilience and determination as he navigates the challenges of surviving through his art.  Living in the Havana area on the outskirts of Windhoek, he supports himself by selling his artwork to anyone interested.  This publication found Naugaweseb outside his house made from corrugated iron painting. When...

Industry Loop – Collective Singers

Industry Loop – Collective Singers

The Collective Singers have been chosen by international choral powers, the International Federation for Choral Music, to represent not only Namibia but the whole of Africa at the World Choral Expo in Lisbon, Portugal. 

Jean-Claude sees the unseen

Jean-Claude sees the unseen

You may look yet not see, or you may not see because you didn’t look. Jean-Claude Tjitamunisa, however, sees because he makes it a point to look, making people wonder what goes through his mind when they see him pointing his camera up to what looks like nothing.