Cement pinchers in court

Home Crime and Courts Cement pinchers in court

WINDHOEK – Two young men made a first appearance on a charge of theft in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Tuvoye Nuule yesterday.

It was Nuule and the other magistrates’ first day back at work after a well-deserved weeklong retreat in Swakopmund. Looking refreshed Nuule wasted no time in admonishing family members of the two accused, 29-year-old Willie Martins and 37-year-old Marius Rooinasie for gesturing while the court was in session and telling them that if they wished to be in the accused’s box it could be arranged.

The two men are charged with the theft of 10 bags of cement at local retailer Pupkewitz Megabuild worth an estimated N$86 each. The theft allegedly already occurred on November 7, but Martins and Rooinasie were only arrested on Thursday 28 November after Martins who works at Pupkewitz allegedly went to ask for a duplicate order for the cement and the theft was discovered.

They were not asked to plead and Martins indicated he would conduct his own defence, while Rooinasie said that he would engage the services of lawyer Sarel Maritz.

State Prosecutor Seredine Jacobs informed Nuule that Martitz was in contact with her and informed her that he did not have a chance yet to consult with his client and they agreed on a remand date to January 16 next year for legal representation and further investigations.

Both accused were granted bail of N$700 and warned to be back at court on the next date.

By Roland Routh