Chubby Beats seeks management

Home Lifestyle Chubby Beats seeks management

An artist is as strong as the team he has behind him, as the saying goes. Chubby Beats, real name Toto Ndameshimebetter, has been managing his career since mid-2019 when he went independent.
Speaking to Entertainment Now!, Chubby narrated he managed well with bookings and the brand. ‘’It’s a task I’ve been dealing with firmly good because I’ve been exposed to the entertainment industry and I have been here for more than a decade,’’ he explained.

The other reason why the talented artist is on a search for a new manager is because of his business ventures, which include chubby water & chubby Wear. 
‘’These entities require my full attention as a point of building its presence, foundation and expansion. I have a full-time job as an airport fire and rescue officer, and becoming a father this year doesn’t allow me to handle and build my music career with the driven purpose and vision to where I want it to be. I feel I still got a lot to offer to the music industry,’’ he expressed.

In 2018, he signed to his close friend’s label Premium Records. After a year, he decided to leave because he felt he needed an individual or public relations company that would focus 100% on him to harness his career to greater heights. 

The ‘Druk Dai Number’ hitmaker offers the new management or manager 50% of all his deals. He believes it is ideal but the share will be after all expenses paid. Him being a selfless person, equality is a philosophy he goes by. ‘’Fairness keeps everyone happy, and it is time managers start getting a fair portion of the pie because they put in a whole lot of work behind closed doors to make things happen; it’s also based on my other incomes streams because greed is something I don’t have’’ he said.

His business has been booming and he has surpassed his expectation on how the market would receive it. Ever since he launched Chubby Water, they have been getting orders from all over Namibia. 
Supermarkets, service stations, club owners and shebeen owners, as well as taxi drivers have been his number one supporter. 

2020 will be a busy year for him, as he plans to diversify into Chubby Flavoured Ice Cubes. The release of his book, The Marketing Whiz of branding, and a new platform, The Entrepreneurs Mind cast, a podcast created to guide young entrepreneurs with skills and the dos and donts.