
Conference to mark International Anti-Corruption Day

Home National Conference to mark International Anti-Corruption Day
Conference to mark International Anti-Corruption Day

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), through its Integrity Namibia project, is organising a regional anti-corruption conference in Walvis Bay to mark International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) 2022. The conference is scheduled to take place at the Protea Hotel in central Walvis Bay on Thursday, 8 December, which is one day before the global commemoration of IACD on Friday, 9 December. 

Under the spotlight at the conference will be corruption risks in fisheries, oil and gas, and public procurement. The conference will also discuss the formation of a national anti-corruption movement under the Integrity Namibia banner. 

“Corruption is a major impediment to peace, security and development. From education to the environment, from business to sports, from gender equality to access to justice, and more – corruption undermines all areas of society’s development. Tackling corruption is the right and responsibility of everyone; and only through the cooperation and the involvement of each and every person and institution can we overcome the negative impact of this crime,” a statement from the organisers reads. 

The statement continued that this means government, the private sector, civil society, law enforcement officers, media representatives, faith-based organisations, labour movements, academia, the youth, and the broader public all have key roles to play. 

The 2022 IACD also marks the start of efforts to mark the twentieth anniversary of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). Namibia’s implementation of UNCAC is currently under review. 

“We encourage government to act quickly to close gaps in our implementation of UNCAC – for example by immediately implementing the Access to Information law as well as laws on whistle-blower and witness protection,” the organisers added.  The Integrity Namibia conference at Walvis Bay is the first of four regional conferences to be organised by the IPPR on anti-corruption themes.