Fitness enthusiast Nelson Mandela Sakaria firmly believes in consistency over intensity when keeping fit, adding that it is far more beneficial to go to boot camp or the gym consistently.
Sakaria (28) is the founder of 24:7 Fitness, a boot camp based in Windhoek, and offers a personalised approach to keeping fit in a group or as individuals.
He said it is very important for fitness enthusiasts to ensure they learn proper exercise techniques so that they avoid burning out.
“When you burn out, you are not able to stay committed for a long period because you are always tired, you’re always feeling joint aches and pains and eventually it can be demoralising,” said the certified trainer.
He added: “If you are consistent, then it means you inevitably develop a routine and a pattern, and it contributes to having an overall organised work and you tend to notice that it also starts to transition into your day-to-day life as well.”
Sakaria said when muscles are built and cardiovascular endurance is increased, it starts with those daily sessions in and out, including rest and to make sure one repeats the cycle.
Also known as Mr 247 in his circle, Sakaria attributed the lack of consistency among fitness enthusiasts to a lack of planning and slightly overwhelming at the start of the year and new trainees who are not used to muscle pain and exhaustion.
“Everybody is so busy at the beginning of the year, realigning back to the normal schedule and reprogramming and they are also still occupied with getting their children ready for school and ensuring there are enough resources to get them ready. So, I guess then there could be a bit of a financial burden to that,” he highlighted.
Sakaria’s journey into fitness started in 2016 as an amateur boxer, a short stint that he believes moulded him for something bigger where he now formed his fitness academy, helping Namibians through their journey to being fit and healthy.
“I spent so much time in the gym and started engaging other people in the fitness industry and I found myself being asked by gym beginners for assistance.
I got a voluntary job at the university gym and started helping members, they would pay me a little bit on top of the membership and one thing led to another, I started loving it and I proceeded with that.
I eventually decided I wanted to build my fitness brand, and 24:7 Fitness brand was born, in 2021,” he said.
Being exposed to the fitness industry, Sakaria said he doesn’t sugarcoat issues with his clients.
“I like to give an honest record of my experience with clients.
There have been clients who have seen very good results and there have been clients who haven’t seen good results but ultimately it’s because of the amount of dedication that comes from the client,” he said.