
Develop your plots: Ndeutepo

Home National Develop your plots: Ndeutepo
Develop your plots: Ndeutepo

OMUTHIYA – Omuthiya mayor Johannes Ndeutepo has encouraged citizens to develop their plots in Omuthiya which have remained the same for an extended period.

Ndeutepo conveyed this in an interview with Nampa on Wednesday, addressing the issue of 316 allocated plots lying idle, with no development visible. He expressed concern about the increasing number of inactive properties in the town, emphasising that some owners are notably silent and show no intention of developing their plots.

The mayor added that they have entered into lease agreements with plot owners, stipulating that if the properties are not developed within three years, a notice will be issued to reclaim the land without refunding the owners their money.

“We strongly encourage the owners of undeveloped land and erven in Omuthiya to initiate development, or report their current situation within three years before we repossess these plots,” Ndeutepo emphasised.

Acknowledging the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on individuals, the mayor noted that some may be facing challenges in developing their properties. He urged affected parties to communicate their circumstances to the council for consideration.

Furthermore, Ndeutepo highlighted the town’s rapid growth, with plans for expansion in the near future. He mentioned ongoing developmental activities, and the imminent completion of the town’s water reservoir by June. Additionally, the mayor shared plans to address unemployment among the youth by offering employment opportunities for town cleaning.

“We are also committed to constructing proper housing in the Kaniita informal settlement for our residents,” Ndeutepo said. -Nampa