
Divided OTA preaches unity 

Divided OTA preaches unity 

Otniel Hembapu

Linea Dishena

OKAHANDJA – Despite holding two separate Ovaherero Red Flag Day commemorations in Okahandja over the weekend, unity was the common theme for each faction.

The two Ovaherero Traditional Authority factions are led by academics Mutjinde Katjiua and Hoze Riruako.

Both factions are diametrically opposed on key Ovaherero objectives and do not sit around the same fire. 

The Katjiua faction held its commemoration at the Okahandja
Rugby Stadium, while Riruako’s group held theirs at Commando No. 1.

Both events, were marked by calm and peace. Riruako, however, believes deliberate steps were taken to avert potential bloodshed between the two warring factions on a weekend where both descended on Okahandja for the same reason, but were only divided by venues and leaders.

Thin ice 

On Saturday, Riruako took serious issue with the police for allowing two rival groups to commemorate Red Flag Day on the same day and in the same town.

Riruako said the weekend’s peculiar arrangement between the two rival groups by the police, sets a dangerous precedent going forward and is a perfect recipe for bloodshed.

Although no confrontation, provocation, or bloodshed were witnessed during the weekend commemorations, Riruako maintained that even though conflict was averted this time around, such an arrangement is not sustainable.

“How the police even agreed to such an arrangement is shocking and totally beyond comprehension. There could have been bloodshed between these two groups, and who would have been responsible if lives were lost here today? But thankfully, we are law-abiding citizens, and I must applaud all of you, my people, for behaving the way you did so far and for not reacting to provocations thrown at us by the other group. We are not violent people. We will always be on the side of the law,” said Riruako.

Since the police allowed the two opposing groups to share the same turf to commemorate Red Flag Day, Riruako is of the opinion that their opponents will take advantage of the police by requesting similar arrangements for major future Ovaherero events.

Conscious of the intentions of the other group, Riruako repeated that he is not interested in petty politics and provocations, and therefore, if need be, his group will choose another day to commemorate Red Flag Day and other significant events. 

“It is becoming clear to all that some people are now becoming desperate, and when a person is desperate, he or she will do everything in their power to disrupt anything and everything. Today, you hear they are going to host their event elsewhere, and then tomorrow, you hear they are also coming to Okahandja. But why on the same day and weekend as us? To provoke and cause bloodshed? But, as said, we are smarter than that, and we are law-abiding people. With time, everyone will start seeing who is on the right side of the law and who is trying to cause disruption out of desperation,” added Riruako, a nephew of the late Ovaherero paramount chief Kuaima Riruako. 

Community members and various political figures all flocked to the town’s Commando No.1 in large numbers to commemorate the annual Red Flag Day, which was adorned with horseriding activities and drilling by troops of all three flag groups (red, green and white) and other cultural activities.

Meanwhile, Ovaherero Traditional Authority senior leader Tjiepene Keja of Okandjatu advised the authority and community to start engaging Germans of Namibian descent who own farmland obtained through colonial means to find common ground on the genocide matter, including speaking to the German government. Keja strongly believes Germans of Namibian descent are a key group in finding lasting solutions.

While preaching unity, Keja called on the community to remain steadfast and uncompromising in their beliefs and convictions, especially on the genocide issue.

The Riruako faction celebrated the occasion from 19 to 21 July 2024 under the theme ‘Fostering ahead in pursuit of restorative justice in line with preparations for 2025, which is the year of reparations for Africans and other inhabitants of African Descent’.


Meanwhile, Katjiua called for a better partnership with the government, saying it is important that the state be involved in the social development of Namibia.

Katjiua said the government runs the resources of the country, therefore a partnership between OTA and the government is needed to achieve the goals of the country.

“The relationship is important because it’s our government and they run the resources of this country… we must give advice, we must work together. There is no need to fight when we have work to do to develop the society,” he said.

Katjiua charged that the relationship is currently sabotaged by people working in key government positions, including governors and ministers.

“They are thinking that by bad-mouthing OTA they will be good for Swapo, therefore we are asking the government to stop using this and talk directly to us,” he stated.

Katjiua noted that important OTA pillars include good transparent governance, education and wellbeing, economic development, genocide reparations and partnerships with stakeholders, such as the government.

“I am advising Ovaherero if a political party does not serve the interest of Hereros there is no need to vote for such a party, whether it’s in Botswana where elections are set for October or here in Namibia in November… The Hereros will not vote for parties that are against Hereros,” he said.

