
Family of five still homeless after fire gutted home

Home National Family of five still homeless after fire gutted home
Family of five still homeless after fire gutted home

ONGWEDIVA – A family of five from the Oshaanwa village in the Uukwiyuushona constituency, who was left homeless after their home was destroyed by a fire on 28 August 2023, is appealing for assistance.

The fire was allegedly started by a 12-year-old child, and left the family without a place to live. 

Only one partially burned corrugated iron room was left standing.

Homeowner Ester Angombe (55) said when the fire started, she was home alone with the 12-year-old child.

“We have not been able to rebuild our house, since the fire destroyed everything,” she lamented.

Angombe’s daughter, 29-year-old Ester William, said, as a final-year student at Ongwediva’s International University of Management campus, she has been her mother’s only caregiver.

“The child supposedly took a matchbox to light the room so that she could look for her torch. But whilst inside the room, a match’s spark lit one of the thatch roofs. Ten huts, one corrugated iron room and everything else on the property was destroyed by the fire on that day,” she explained.

 William said the fire really left them homeless – and as they are left with little, they are hoping a Good Samaritan would help them rebuild their house.

“With my refund from all those years, I tried putting the house together because I am the firstborn, and I am responsible for putting food on the table. But everything just got destroyed in seconds,” she continued.

Luckily, for the family, their neighbours support and visit them. 

They check on them every now and then.

– maxhenrich@gmail.com