
Follow your passion, and success will follow 

Home Youth Corner Follow your passion, and success will follow 
Follow your passion, and success will follow 

Rosalia Hashoongo


It’s a privilege to have a main purpose every morning, since there is barely anything exciting than getting where you want to be in better days ahead. Basically, no matter what challenges you are going through, make that a stepping stone, and do not let that affect you emotionally. Instead, follow things that bring you joy, happiness and peace of mind. A life without a vision seems miserable. Therefore, following your passion involves you discovering things that may spark your passion.

However, everyone needs to have a purpose with a ‘vision and mission’ to help you get agar to learn more. Passion changes the things that we are passionate about today. It isn’t quite the same in five years. Even though you are passionate about something, it doesn’t mean you aren’t stuck into it. I, therefore, urge individuals to be strong and think positively, for nothing is impossible if you believe you can. Never forget that life may be tough today, but the promise will be tomorrow. Never miss any opportunities and chances you get in life because success is waiting for those who are ready to grab it and make a difference.

Know your abilities and capabilities that may help you fulfil your aim to success. The first priority you need to keep in mind is not to be led by a crowd or any peer pressure, for that may tarnish your reputation and destroy the good things in you. Therefore, they say ‘Bad characters corrupt good habits’. Nevertheless, “Do not be discouraged”, for this is part of the blessing and challenge of being a human. We must discover our own true God-given nature. Only by living in our own element are we able to succeed at the end of the tunnel, where there will be light and endurance. However, learn how to sail your own ship and create your own space for it’s worth it to face every obstacle and storm that comes your way. 

It might take time and effort to learn how to find your passion, but it is worth it. Hence, you’ll be healthier and happier than you’ve ever been, but you’ll still have problems due to the bittersweet life. Always remember that there is still hope and a brighter future waiting for you and me to make a change. However, that you can do only if you stand firm and strong as a child of God, and your future will be guaranteed.

Have a main vision, purpose and mission that may give you that energy and eagerness to learn more. Don’t waste chances that you will only get once in a lifetime. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Learn to hold on, let go, and be patient for it’s never too late to be what you might have been. Hence, the great and glorious masterpiece of men is how to live with a purpose. Always remember the three concepts in life: change, choice and principle.


* Rosalia Hashoongo is a learner at Onguti Secondary School in the Oshikoto region.