Fresh Family returns

Fresh Family returns

Rudolf Gaiseb

The prominent northern Kwaito squad ‘Fresh Family,’ who went mute four years ago, is back on the music scene, but with only four of its original members. 

The group initially included six members. However, two members are unresponsive to the long-awaited reunion. 

Avia ‘AJ Fresh’ Jesaya, Josef ‘Palla-Fresh’ Ashipala, Veiko ‘V-Fresh’ Iyambo, and Mauro ‘M-Fresh’ Malunga, are set to reignite their musical flame.

In an interview with Vibez, the group’s leader AJ Fresh said the four have reunited to work on a new album.

“The reason we split was because some members signed to another record label. But it did not go as planned. They left, and we are back together as a music group, but not all of us. We still wake up and laugh about the dumb choices we made as boys. In the end, it’s just entertainment,” said the musician.

AJ Fresh currently works for the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform in the water division.

“I am one of the hydrologists who run around with the installations of all the solar water pumping systems,” he jested. 

AJ Fresh hinted that he has been focusing on work, and has not been doing anything else. He also managed to open a record label in Ongwediva.

The group split a few years ago. However, AJ Fresh affirmed they have always been affiliated.

“I have been affiliated with my gang over the years. When we have time, that is when we work on the album. 

It is not a hobby, and when we don’t do it, it is still fine. It is just a God-given talent which I personally cannot ignore,” he said. 

He has since released a single titled ‘Bobcard’, featuring Tulisan, Qonja and Palla-Fresh.

The musician said the message of the single is to encourage listeners to always carry a credit card, and not walk around with cash.

Lead dancer Palla-Fresh said they have grown and are now seasoned, compared to the time when they entered the music scene. 

“We were still boys; we didn’t know what a contract was. 

Now, we know better. As with the label, we are on good terms, and we are ready to work on this album and inspire our fans, especially the youngsters,” said the artist.