From the stands – Celebrating women’s month and sport stars

Home Sports From the stands – Celebrating women’s month and sport stars

Everywhere in the global sphere, countries, people and women are celebrating women’s month. The month of March signifies how far women have come from the days of not being allowed to cast votes or partake in sport events. 

This month we celebrate the strength and confidence of women in sport, be it athletes, reporters or leaders. But, what does women’s month really mean for young women in the sport industry in our beloved country. 
This month I’ll be celebrating women and girls who are trailblazers, women who have made an impact and left footprints, women who continue to set trends and inspire young girls and other women. For this month my column will target girls and women who are doing the most in their respective sport careers and do short stories about them. 

But what does women’s month mean for young women in sports. According to Brave Gladiators player, Lydianna Nanamus, women’s month is a month where we cherish women and acknowledge the essence of women not only in sport but in general. 

This celebration (women’s month) inspires young girls and women to play and be active, to realize their full power.  “From my personal point of view, women, young women in particular are not acknowledged and celebrated as much as they deserve. The confidence, strength and character gained through sports participation are the very tools girls and women need to be become strong leaders in sports and in life. And we still have a long way to go before women can actually say that they are being renowned in sports,” she said.

In a country were women sport wasn’t considered important, I say we have made quite the progress as a nation and as a people. Some years back, one could not read a lot about women sport because it hardly made it to the back pages but today women frequent the back pages with success stories and gives hope – the future for women sports in Namibia does not look that blurry after all. Until next week, I wish all love and light. 

* Tuzera-Otjiua Jeomba is an avid follower of local sport and socio-economic developments. She can be reached at