
German Cultural Body Meets

Home Archived German Cultural Body Meets

By Frederick Philander


The Namibische-Deutsche Stiftung NaDS (Namibian-German Foundation for Cultural Cooperation) is holding its 20thd Annual General Meeting today, commencing at 17h00 at the Goethe Centre, it was announced in a press release.

On the agenda of this year’s AGM are points such as annual reports, election of new board members and matters arising.

The Goethe Centre, in cooperation with the Namibian-German Foundation for Cultural Cooperation, is the only German cultural centre in Namibia.

“Our aim is to promote the German language through language classes and through courses for teachers of German as a foreign language. We also strive to foster intercultural cooperation between Namibia and Germany, with special focus on reconciliation between the colonial history and the Namibia of today,” said Christiane Schulte, the newly-appointed director at NADS.

According to her, the Germans see themselves as partners of other Namibian cultural institutions and organizations, joining forces in professional partnership and dialogue.

“The socio-political interests resulting from a specific politico-cultural relationship between Namibia and Germany are one of the challenges of our work. Focusing on innovative concepts, which ought to foster mutual understanding, we put special emphasis on cultural exchange in the fields of art, science and media,” she concluded.