Government Institutions Government Pension Fund (GIPF)

Home International Government Institutions Government Pension Fund (GIPF)

When will I qualify to make a claim at GIPF and how do I make a claim?
Response: A claim may be put in under the following circumstances:
1. Normal retirement (when one turns 60)
2. Early retirement (55)
3. Retrenchment
4. Resign/fired
5. Death (family may claim)

All Claims are submitted to GIPF by Human Resource Officers (HR officers), who are responsible for completing the claim form. You should make sure that you have submitted certified copies of all required documents when lodging any claim. The HR officer will forward the claim form and supporting documents to GIPF for processing.
Kindly note that the documents to be submitted for claims are as follows:
Query: Can I get a consultant to help me process my claim at GIPF?
Response: GIPF does not work through consultants to follow up on your claims. Consultants who offer their services to assist you in claiming your benefits cannot speed up the processing of your claims. Be careful of consultants who offer to speed up the claim process.

Query: How will my family benefit from my GIPF membership?
Response: Upon joining the Fund, your Human Resources Officer will request you to fill in a beneficiary nomination. On this form, you will be requested to indicate who your dependents and nominees are. A dependent is a person whom you are legally liable for e.g. your wife and minor children. In addition, you can also nominate any other person such as your parents to be considered to benefit from your pension benefits.

The beneficiary nomination form requires you to fill in full names and dates of birth, correct residential address and your specific relationship to the beneficiaries and nominees e.g. biological son, nephew, niece, wife etc. You will also have to indicate how much in percentages each person should receive.

Please remember, this form is not a will and the benefits will not necessarily be distributed in accordance with what you stated on the form. Pension benefits are distributed by Trustees in terms of the Rules of the Fund and the beneficiary nomination form is there to assist the Trustees to know the composition of your family. Ms. Robyn Nakaambo, External: Stakeholders’ Engagement Officer, GIPF, Email Address: