
Govt deploys 29 doctors to Ohangwena

Home National Govt deploys 29 doctors to Ohangwena
Govt deploys 29 doctors to Ohangwena

The Ministry of Health and Social Services has placed 29 additional medical doctors in three State hospitals in the Ohangwena region.

Ohangwena is one of the regions battling a dire shortage of medical personnel, especially doctors. 

Engela Hospital stood out with long waiting times over the years, and this resulted in some of the patients being turned back or voluntarily abandoning the queues. 

Some of the patients from the Ohangwena region, in fact, opt to seek medical care at either Oshakati in Oshana or Onandjokwe in Oshikoto regions, leaving the nearest hospitals in their region.

Engela hospital does not only cater to Namibians but also patients from neighbouring Angola, who cross the border every day for pre-natal, ARV treatments and other medical services.

The director of health in Ohangwena, John Hango, said out of 29 medical doctors, 14 were placed at Engela hospital, 11 are at Eenhana and four doctors were deployed to Okongo State Hospital. 

Hango said the newly recruited doctors will address staff shortage challenges that have been facing the region for a long time. 

“Our people are already travelling long distances to hospitals but sometimes they would go back home without being helped because there were no doctors,” said Hango. 

Hango added that gone are the days when the regional health directorate receives daily complaints because of the inefficient services at hospitals.  

“It is very important for a patient to be attended to on time. This a gives better chances of recovery,” he said.

Hango urged the health workers to ensure they provide excellent services to the patients, and they should refrain from being rude towards the patients.

“Patients should note down the names of nurses and doctors treating them in cases where they are mistreated and report the matter to my office,” he said.

– fhamalwa@nepc.com.na