
Guard charged with shebeen shotgun murder

Home Crime and Courts Guard charged with shebeen shotgun murder


The security guard arrested over the weekend for allegedly shooting to death a 24-year-old female bar patron on Monday appeared before the Katutura Magistrate’s Court on a charge of murder.

Shaanika Naftali, 33, reportedly shot and killed Frieda Julien Kahuika early on Friday morning as she was coming out of a toilet at a bar in Okuryangava.

Members of Kahuika’s family have described the death of the mother of one child, who was a resident of Omugulugwombashe, as “senseless”.

Naftali was denied bail and his case was postponed to July 14 to enable him to obtain legal representation. Magistrate Michelle Bernedine Kudersky presided during his first court appearance.

The accused was informed he could either obtain his own legal representation, which he would have to pay for himself, or secure a government-funded attorney though legal aid. Naftali said that he would apply for a government-funded lawyer through the legal aid directorate.

Kahuika – affectionately known by her friends as ‘Jullos’ – had gone out with a group of friends on Thursday evening. She had called her boyfriend of six years, Russel Swartz, earlier that evening to say she would be home soon and that he and their son should not go to sleep before she gets there.

Swartz said Julien also spoke with their son on the cellphone and told him she loves him. Swartz was informed a few hours later that Julien had been shot and killed – by a security guard.

Her younger sister, Esmie Elizabeth Kahuika, told New Era her sister’s death has left them devastated. “We’re also asking questions,” Esmie Elizabeth Kahuika said.

She said witnesses informed them that Julien was pushed by a man, who was playing pool at the bar. Julien had then asked the man why he did that. He then smacked her.

“Julien tried to defend herself and took a ball and threw it at the man, but missed him. She went outside to the bathroom. The man followed her and when she opened the door to come out, the man told the guard to shoot her and he did,” the sister said.

Emsie added their sickly mother is badly affected by her daughter’s death. Julien was employed at a restaurant in town and her death means less income for the family. Emsie described her sister as helpful and as someone who was loved by everyone.

Police spokesperson Inspector Slogan Matheus offered a slightly different version of events. Matheus said the deceased and a few others arrived at the shebeen with their own drinks and a fight ensued.

“They were stopped from fighting and the deceased allegedly left the bar and went to the bathroom (toilet). While outside there was a confrontation between Julien and the security guard.

“She threw a bottle at the guard and he shot at her in turn,” he said. He confirmed that the woman was killed with a shotgun. Inspector Matheus said the matter is still under investigation and that the police have further information about what really happened that night.