
Second hand clothing is her livelihood

Home National Second hand clothing is her livelihood


Instead of waiting for free handouts as an unemployed person – Hilma Kambonde, a resident of Ombili has for the past years been selling second-hand clothing, blankets and duvet covers.

Ombili, a low-income settlement located in Tobias Hainyeko on the outskirts of Windhoek.

New Era recently spoke to the jovial mother of two who revealed she sources the secondhand clothes from neighbouring South Africa, and thanks her selfless elder sister, who provided her with start-up capital.

She says she is now able to provide for her children and put bread on the table for the family through the little profit she is able to generate from her street-side business at the sprawling settlement.

“I started working for my elder sister at Ondangwa with the same business of selling clothes, shoes and duvet covers before I started operating on my own, she use to pay me a hundred dollar every month and that little I receive from her I put it aside until I made enough for my transport and first stock to South Africa,” further narrated Kambonde.

She made it clear the clothes and blankets that she sells are not brand new but that they have been used but are still in an immaculate condition.

“I buy them from businesswomen in South Africa who collect clothes and blankets from fellow South Africans who don’t feel like wearing or using them anymore and sell them to people,” she revealed.

Further she added, “So far as I am speaking I am really progressing. People in my neighbourhood are happy to buy clothes and blankets at a cheaper price like small children’s clothes that cost as little as five Namibian dollars which is very affordable.”

“It wasn’t easy for me at the beginning. I had to struggle with transport to South Africa. I used to be afraid of being robbed or killed, sometimes I didn’t even have anywhere to sleep when I went to South Africa, which was a challenge to me, but now I am managing. I thank my Lord for giving me the strength to start up my business and my sister for making it possible for me,” she said with a smile on her face.

Operating alongside her is her personal assistant, Rahia Kaandawa, who assists her with her business and the two work together harmoniously.

“As my business is growing bigger and better, two heads are better than one,” she concluded.