
Heita claims girlfriend’s shooting accidental

Home National Heita claims girlfriend’s shooting accidental

WINDHOEK – Windhoek resident Erastus Heita has denied intentionally shooting to death his girlfriend and mother of his two children in the early hours of October 1 last year.

During his testimony in the Regional Court yesterday Heita, 42, testified his girlfriend of nine years, Maria Megameno Kamati, 29, was accidentally shot as he was trying to shoot an intruder who emerged from their bedroom wardrobe that early morning.

Heita shocked the nation last year when he handed himself over to the police after he shot his live-in girlfriend with his personal 9mm Makarov pistol.

Kamati, a mother of two, was found in their shared flat in Otjomuise with a bullet to the head. The prosecution is charging Heita with a count of murder read with provisions of the Domestic Violence Act for the fatal shooting.

Heita has approached the court with hopes of convincing the court that he is worthy of being released on bail while he awaits trial.

Taking the witness stand during the bail hearing, the father of four explained that, on the day of the incident, he arrived home in the morning at around 03h00 from picking up equipment for his business, which was being delivered by a truck from South Africa headed to the north.

According to him, he found Kamati in bed with one of their two children sleeping. He testified that he did not get in bed with them but opted to sleep on the floor since it was vey hot.

He said that a few minutes after he was about to fall asleep an intruder emerged from their bedroom wardrobe holding something shiny that looked like a knife in his/her hand. He immediately looked over at the bed but noticed that Kamati and their child were still there.

He allegedly reached for his gun which was in the drawer. As he was about to cock his gun, Kamati apparently woke up and told him not to do anything. He further explained that during that moment Kamati held him from behind, the intruder pushed them and they fell on the bed.

“I lost control of the gun and the firearm shot my loved one in the head,” testified Heita.
Heita informed the court that he stood up, saw the intruder open the bedroom door and take off. After realising that Kamati was not moving he decided to report the matter to the police.

“I was in my underpants, vest and socks without shoes when I drove to Otjomuise police station where I did not find anyone. I then drove to town but I got involved in an accident on my way there,” said Heita.

Heita took a taxi to the police station in town and handed himself over.
The prosecution strongly opposes the release of Heita on bail on grounds that the offence he is facing is of a serious nature and there is fear that he will abscond and not stand trial. Furthermore, it will not be in the interest of the public nor administration of justice.

“I do not think it is right to keep a person, who has not yet been found guilty and is a father, in custody on the grounds of public interest,” said Heita.
Heita is being represented by defence lawyer Kadhila Amoomo with Arie Husselman prosecuting.