Horror accident claims six lives

Home National Horror accident claims six lives

n Eveline de Klerk

WALVIS BAY – Six people tragically died on Sunday afternoon in a car accident between Usakos and Arandis.  
Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu on Monday told New Era that the accident happened about 20 kilometres outside Arandis.

This brings the total of persons who died in car accidents over the weekend in the Erongo Region alone to nine.
The deceased include four children between six months and 13 years, the driver as well as a woman.
They are Isabella Vikundu, 29, August Joseph Kudumo, 8 years, Joa-ann J Boois, 8 moths, Lukas Lukas, 6 years, Agnes Namboga, 9 years and Fillemon Sakaria, 41.

Four other sustained serious injuries and are currently treated at the Swakopmund State Hospital.

Iikuyu identified the survivors as Esther Shoikuti, Patricia Garoes, Juliana Boois, and one man, that sustained serious to moderate injuries. It is speculated that the children were returning from Windhoek to resume school after the May holiday. “There were about 10 people in the car when the accident happened,” Iikuyu said.

He said preliminary investigations indicated the left rear tyre of the vehicle burst, causing the driver to lose control and the vehicle overturned.

Apart from the Sunday accident, three persons also died separately on Friday evening between Arandis and Usakos in a multi-vehicle accident involving a truck, a minibus and a pickup.
Caption (Car): Lives cut short…The seven-seater that overturned between Usakos and Arandis killing six people.