Indongo Toyota opens two more branches

Home Business Indongo Toyota opens two more branches

Staff Reporter

Windhoek-Last week proved an eventful one for Indongo Toyota, with two more dealerships in Otjiwarongo and Ongwediva respectively officially opening under the Frans Indongo Group (FIG) umbrella. With existing dealerships in Walvis Bay, Windhoek and Okahandja, this brings the total number of Indongo Toyota branches in Namibia to five.

The first grand opening took place on Wednesday evening in Otjiwarongo. After acquiring this dealership in September 2016, FIG performed extensive upgrades and renovations to the branch. Now, clients stand to benefit from a first-class showroom, workshop and parts outlet.

The founding father of FIG, 81-year-old Dr Frans Aupa Indongo, who resides on a farm just outside Otjiwarongo, was but one of the well-known faces to attend the dealership’s official opening. His daughter, Maria Magdalena Indongo-Nepaya, delivered an address in both Oshiwambo and English on her father’s behalf.

“It gives me particular pleasure to invest further in Otjiwarongo, the town that has become my home during the past two decades,” she read Dr Indongo’s words to the guests. “It is my deepest wish to demonstrate that it is possible to build and leave behind sustainable businesses that will, in the interest of the Namibian nation, last and prosper beyond the lives of individuals. It is my dream to prove that continuous wealth and employment can continue and will not be destroyed once the founder of successful businesses moves on.”

The Governor of the Otjozondjupa Region, Otto Ipinge, delivered the keynote address. “Tonight we are very delighted to witness the rolling out of the very popular national brand, Indongo Toyota, to our region and to our growth hub, Otjiwarongo. This is another demonstration of business expansion, which is necessary to stimulate local economic growth.”

The governor highlighted that the opening of the Indongo Toyota branch in Otjiwarongo created 27 new jobs and that the number was expected to increase as the business grows and expands. “This investment,” he held, “brings hope and prosperity to our region. Bringing your leading Indongo Toyota brand offers long-term growth, sustainable employment and taxable profitability.” Turning to the FIG founding father, Dr Indongo, the governor concluded: “As the name of Otjiwarongo suggests ‘Pleasant Place,’ we wish you a ‘pleasant business.’ It is indeed our wish that Indongo Toyota Otjiwarongo will enjoy lasting and growing success. Thank you sincerely for considering our region as an attractive investment haven.”

On the Thursday evening, the festivities moved further north, as FIG celebrated the official launch of its fifth dealership in Ongwediva. Indongo Toyota’s brand-new, state-of-the-art and fully-fledged showroom, workshop and parts outlet opened its doors to the public earlier this year and has already secured a track record of unsurpassed excellence and client satisfaction over the past five months.

The senior vice-president of Toyota South Africa, Calvyn Hamman, expressed his sincere pleasure at being invited and being present at the opening of the Toyota dealership in the north, serving the people of the north and owned by a northern-born Namibian. He added that as an expert in automotive dealerships around the globe, he rated Indongo Toyota Ongwediva as a top world-class facility indeed.

Hamman concluded by challenging the management of the dealership to ensure that the dealership is developed into the ‘best business in town’.