IPC commends registered voters

IPC commends registered voters

The Independent Patriots for Change has commended the Electoral Commission of Namibia for a milestone achievement of registering 91% of eligible voters across Namibia and abroad.

In a press statement yesterday, the IPC acknowledged that despite challenges, the ECN completed the registration process, responded to queries, and addressed challenges swiftly. The party recently concluded its ‘Go out to Register Campaign’, which commenced on 1 June, just before the commencement of the general registration of voters. An analysis shows that this year’s process saw an increase in voter

registration numbers, with 1.4 million eligible voters registered, up from the 1.3 million registered in 2019. This represents an increase of over
100 000 voters in the current 2024 registration process. “This demonstrates a growth in voter engagement and participation,” the statement reads.

The average turnout across all 14 regions is reported to be 83.5% of the population, with the highest turnout recorded at 97% in Oshana and Kunene, and the lowest turnout at 83% in Kavango West and Hardap. Interestingly, Kavango West recorded a decline in voter registration from 2019 by 5 128 voters. “The high voter registration turnout is a clear indication that Namibians are eager to have their voices heard, and to shape the future of their country. It is a testament to the strength of our democracy, and the desire of our people to participate in the electoral process,” the statement reads.

The IPC urged all registered voters to exercise their democratic right, and cast their vote on election day.

“Your vote is your voice, and it is essential for shaping the future of our nation,” the IPC stated.

The party also called on the ECN to ensure that the upcoming elections are free, fair and transparent, reflecting the will of the Namibian people. -ashikololo@nepc.com.na