
Japan hands over school facilities

Home National Japan hands over school facilities
Japan hands over school facilities

Japan yesterday handed over school facilities valued at N$970 000 to the St. Barnabas Primary School in Katutura. The facilities consist of two classrooms, a library, and a storeroom.

Japan has for over two decades supported the erection of school infrastructure in Namibia. Most recently, the St. Barnabas school, which was established in 1997, is the latest beneficiary of this long-standing partnership. 

At the handover event, Ambassador of Japan to Namibia, Hisao Nashimaki, explained that his country focuses on education as they believe it is the foundation for a bright Namibian future. 

“Education fuels growth by equipping individuals with the tools they need to overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute meaningfully to their communities,” said Nashimaki. 

He added that education holds a bright future for Namibians and is a key that can unlock many opportunities.

Speaking at the same handover, education deputy minister Faustina Caley, said St. Barnabas had been using a garage to facilitate students due to a severe shortage of permanent classrooms. 

“We are happy that St. Barnabas is one of the beneficiary schools this year and we are truly humbly requesting the Japanese Embassy and calling on local and other international agencies to continue supporting our schools in terms of basic facilities under the Friends of Education,” said Caley. 

She added that should be seen in the broader context as an important part of a greater effort to connect the communities through the provision of quality education and strategic infrastructure investment and as a major step in stimulating next-level socio-economic development in the Khomas region and Namibia in general. 

“We believe that investing in children will secure a better future for our country. 

We are grateful to the government and people of Japan for this gesture as we finally provide a safe and conducive teaching and learning environment to the learners and teachers of St Barnabas,” Caley added. 

A few days earlier, the school inaugurated a school hall built by NamPower.