JUST IN: Kahimise, CoW showdown kicks off in High Court

Home News Just In JUST IN: Kahimise, CoW showdown kicks off in High Court

The hearing of City of Windhoek CEO Robert Kahimise’s urgent application against his suspension started in the Windhoek High Court this morning. Lawyers for Kahimise and those of the City are currently arguing the urgency of the application. Patrick Kauta, for Kahimise says the matter is urgent as Kahimise faces financial ruin if he is not reinstated immediately. Countering this is City lawyer Phillip Barnard who says the urgency is not established as financial hardship is not a ground for urgency. City offered Kahimise full pay until the dispute – emanating from an alleged unauthorised study loan – is resolved, but he turned down that arrangement, Barnard told the court.