
Kamanjab shops sell expired food

Home Front Page News Kamanjab shops sell expired food

Clemans Miyanicwe

KAMANJAB – Several shops in Kamanjab are selling expired food or in worst case scenarios they sell rotten food which could pose a health hazard to unsuspecting consumers.

On a recent visit to SparSave Mor (Sentra) after being alerted by a member of the public a New Era journalist came upon products, among them soft drinks, that expired on June 26 but were being sold cheaply on “special”. Other products being sold way past their sell-by date included biscuits and various tinned food.

“Please do visit Sentra. The shop is having various products on ‘special’ right now which have expired. This is nothing new as other shops are also selling such products on special,” a member of the public spilt the beans.
This journalist bought biscuits whose best before date was June 26, 2018 and was given a refund after he returned this commodity to SparSave Mor after a few minutes.

Some of the employees revealed they have been telling the shop’s management not to sell expired food products but their pleas seem to have fallen on deaf ears.

A supervisor of Sentra upon questioning by New Era said the shop will remove all the expired food products from its shelves.

“We will take them off but usually we don’t sell expired goods. It’s the first time,” responded a woman who only identified herself as a certain Susan.

Complaints from members of the public about shops selling expired or rotten food products are rife in Kamanjab but it seems businesses continue selling such products on special even on the day the product has the best before day.
Kunene regional health inspector Bernolda Benjamin said as public service employees they are not allowed to talk to the media, and the Kunene health director Thomas Shapumba was travelling and as such he was unable to respond to issues related to the expired food products.

“The director is travelling and he is the only one who is allowed to talk to the media but once he is back in the office you can contact him. You cannot drive and talk,” said the health inspector.

Thomas Mutinda, the health inspector of Khorixas said food products should not be sold even on the best before date and those should be off the shelf. Mutinda added that business owners should at least have such products on a special a week before their expiry date.

Business owners were advised to look at the best before date when they purchase the goods from wholesalers and try to first sell out previously purchased products before putting newly purchased ones on the shelf.

Mutinda claimed businesses in Khorixas do not sell rotten or expired goods and there was only one case where a local depot sold expired alcohol such as Castle Lite that was eventually taken off the shelves and destroyed by his office. Mutinda warned that food products lose certain preservatives a week before they expire and this can be dangerous for consumption.

“Some products are not suitable for consumption a week before they expire and businesses will have to compensate family members of the deceased or even risk going to jail,” he said.
The public were also encouraged to report businesses which sell rotten or expired products so that the necessary action might be taken.

New Era was informed health inspectors confiscated dozens of dairy products as well as tinned food shortly after it made inquiries on expired foods.