
Kavango Trade Fair in full swing

Home National Kavango Trade Fair in full swing


The Kavango Trade Fair which is being hosted by the Rundu Town Council is in full swing at the Kavango Community Convention Centre behind the Rundu Sports Stadium.

The event was officially opened yesterday by Kavango East Region Governor, Dr Samuel Mbambo, on behalf of the Minister of Industrialization, Trade and SME Development, Immanuel Ngatjizeko.

“The ministry has been and is continuing to support trade fairs around the country because they assist in the development of Namibia’s economy and achievement of the global objectives of Vision 2030, relating to employment and industrialization,” stated Ngatjizeko.

He said the ministry in its quest to promote the establishment and growth of the SME sector has identified trade fairs as a very important strategic intervention that has the potential to expose SMEs to the challenges of the market place, as well as to prepare them for the demands of globalization.

Last year the event attracted 20 000 visitors from all walks of life and this year the organisers hope to attract more than 20 000 fair-goers.

The Kavango Trade Fair was started in 2012 and has been operating under the office of the Rundu Urban Constituency Councillor Nimrod Muremi. But a month ago the organization of the fair was handed to the Rundu Town Council.

There are 250 exhibitors and music shows are offered every evening. It started on Tuesday and will end on Saturday night with a music bash. The Dogg will be the main artist.

The fair is sponsored by AgriBank, MTC, Waltons, Nampost, SME Bank, the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and SME Development and Standard Bank as the main sponsor.