
Letter – An overarching view of 2024, the year of elections

Home Letters Letter – An overarching view of 2024, the year of elections
Letter –  An overarching view of  2024, the year of elections

Wade Henckert

In the vibrant political landscape of Namibia, where one could find the echoes of a rich history reverberating against the backdrop of stunning landscapes, the call for political consciousness emerges as a crucial element in shaping the nation’s future, especially when one is to consider the year that is 2024.

As a nation that has traversed the realms of colonialism and apartheid, Namibia stands poised at a critical juncture in its journey towards progress, and the cultivation of political awareness and participation is imperative for the realisation of building a Namibia that actively promotes inclusivity and progress not just based on economic fundamentals, but also empowers those who may seem to feel left behind. 

Political consciousness refers to an individual’s awareness, understanding and engagement with political processes, structures and issues. 

In the Namibian context, this means being attuned to the historical struggles that have shaped the nation, and actively participating in the democratic processes that underpin its governance, in modern Namibia.

Namibia’s path to independence in 1990 was marked by a prolonged struggle against the yoke of colonialism and apartheid. The scars of this tumultuous history remain, and it is through political consciousness that citizens continue to appreciate the sacrifices made by those who paved the way for all our freedom. Understanding this history fosters a sense of national identity and unity, crucial elements for building a strong and cohesive society.

At the core of political consciousness lies civic engagement. In a democracy like Namibia, where the people’s voice should continue to remain a cornerstone of governance, active participation in political processes remains vital. 

This includes voting in elections, engaging in public discourse, and holding elected officials accountable. A politically- conscious populace is more likely to demand transparency, accountability and good governance, thereby creating an environment conducive to sustainable development.

Furthermore, political consciousness serves as a bulwark against the encroachment of corruption, and ensures that public resources are utilised for the collective welfare. Informed citizens are better equipped to identify malfeasance, question the misuse of public funds, and advocate for policies which promote the equitable distribution of resources. 

Additionally, fostering an environment that encourages open dialogue and critical thinking ensures that citizens are equipped to make informed decisions, and contribute meaningfully to the democratic process.

Namibia’s journey towards greater socio-economic development is intrinsically tied to the level of political consciousness exhibited by its citizens. A politically- aware populace not only safeguards the hard-won gains of independence, but also lays the foundation for a future where inclusivity, social justice and economic prosperity are attainable for all. 

As Namibians, it is our collective responsibility to foster political consciousness, ensuring that the torch of progress continues to illuminate the path towards a brighter, more equitable future.


*Wade Henckert is an avid reader and practitioner of international trade, politics, and international relations, and is actively engaged in providing insight into the field of foreign policy analysis to enrich discussions within the Namibian landscape.