
Letter – Embracing inclusion from my Namibian perspective  

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Letter –  Embracing inclusion from my Namibian perspective  

Wafeeq Minnie

Growing up as a teen non-binary individual in a world that is gradually embracing diversity and inclusion, I have faced my share of struggles that often remain hidden from view. Here in Namibia, I find myself surrounded by fellow non-binary and genderqueer individuals who, like me, navigate a unique path filled with obstacles stemming from a lack of acceptance, misunderstandings, and a longing for recognition. Writing this, I carry the weight of these experiences, hoping to bring attention to the battles we go through while also shedding light on the positive steps being taken to create more inclusive spaces in our Namibian context. 

The idea of gender identity has expanded far beyond the conventional labels of “male” and “female”. For those of us who identify as non-binary and genderqueer, we weave together a rich tapestry of identities that challenge traditional norms. My own identity includes facets like agender, bigender, and genderfluid, among others. Despite the world’s increasing awareness, the shadows of unacceptance and misunderstanding still linger, often due to a lack of exposure and education about these diverse identities.

The pain of unacceptance becomes incredibly real when misgendering comes into play, a wound that cuts deep and remains constant. Throughout my journey, I have faced moments where my pronouns and my identity were brushed aside and ignored. The aftermath of such experiences is a whirlwind of emotions – feelings of invalidation, distress, and an overwhelming sense of isolation. Building acceptance means more than just acknowledging preferred pronouns; it means understanding that words have the power to shape our sense of self.

The unaccepting experiences that have marked my life, and the lives of others here in Namibia, have sparked a fierce determination for change. It is crucial that organisations, churches, schools, and workplaces engage in discussions about gender diversity. This dialogue can help create an environment that respects and accommodates those of us who identify as non-binary. Normalising practices like sharing pronouns, embracing gender-neutral facilities, and distributing educational resources can contribute to environments that celebrate our wonderfully diverse gender identities.

From my own journey, I have come to appreciate how impactful personal stories can be. Sharing stories of unacceptance and the strength that emerges from them can be truly transformative. Through the corners of social media and online communities, individuals like me discover spaces that transcend geographical borders. Here, we connect, share our experiences, and support one another, breaking down the walls of isolation.

My journey – our journey – towards acceptance and understanding is an ongoing path. During Namibia’s changing landscape, it is important to confront the shadows of unacceptance, dispel misconceptions, and address the hidden struggles we face. By raising our voices, incorporating inclusivity into policies, and spreading education, we can become creators of a world where every gender identity is not just acknowledged, but also valued, respected, and celebrated.

From the heart of Namibia, where echoes of unacceptance intersect with stories of resilience, a call resounds. It is a call to rewrite the narrative, one that embraces every identity with open arms, cherishing and celebrating them. With unity and unwavering determination, we journey forward, hand in hand, forging a path towards an inclusive world where our identities shine brilliantly within the tapestry of humanity. 


* Wafeeq Minnie is a co-founder of a new UYA. 0813815612