
Letter – Men and mental health

Home Letters Letter – Men and mental health
Letter – Men and mental health

Fiina Tuwilika Paavo

‘It is the women’s fault that most men are committing suicide nowadays; he gave her everything, and that’s how she repays him?’

Yes! It is inarguable that usually, most men do give their all to women; they support women financially now and then, and occasionally give them possessions. However, due to the given reasons, there comes a time when a woman decides to leave the man. 

He gets hurt so bad that he blames all his pain on the woman – and instead of seeking help or talking to someone, he feels like committing suicide is the way out of his pain. After that, the blame is laid on women.

But who is ever going to talk about how men treat women? How they leave their pregnant women, how they do not financially help the mothers of their kids, how they propose to marry them and ghost them, how they physically and mentally abuse them, how they abuse them for speaking up about the abuse, how they stay with a woman up to 10 years just to marry a woman they met two weeks ago, and how they kill women over petty reasons? 

Regardless, women still stay strong and speak up.

Unlike women, men need to master the art of protecting their mental health and shamelessly speaking up. 

They do not only need to look and act tough; they need to be tough – mentally and physically. 

The mindset that ‘men do not cry or seek help’ needs to come to an end because it is the ulterior reason behind men’s suicides. 

With no shame, men should be allowed to speak up without the fear of being judged.