
Letter – Revive Namibia: The Power of Voting

Home Letters Letter – Revive Namibia: The Power of Voting
Letter –  Revive Namibia: The Power of Voting

Gabriel Gabriel

A rare definition of a political campaign is “a platform for politicians to sell dreams to citizens by playing on citizens’ weakness to full blast”. Citizens’ weakness beats being in the domain of unemployment, better sanitation, housing, better education, and so on.

Politicians have a tendency to psychologically lure citizens into believing in their agenda, which rarely gets turned into reality. Not everyone who preaches the nation’s interest has the nation’s interest at heart. Experience is very clear on that.

Needless to say, voting is personal. Politicians, however, are very good at outwitting the voters. Now that you know better, the coming election is high time to go for the force to be reckoned with as far as the national needs are concerned. Make a choice for the dynamic team with the potential and capability to get the job done.

You have a voice. Your voice is not sharing voice notes on WhatsApp groups, calling on the radio, nor is it writing to the media now and then to complain about this and that as far as the regime is concerned. Your real, and louder, voice is participating in voting.

Moreover, you must not have a vote which is based on who had a lot of meat ‘braais’, which party had given you a free T-shirt, or which party gave you a free ride to attend their rally during the campaign. That vote is biased, and posing a direct danger to your future and that of your little ones.

That is exactly what we as citizens have been basing our votes on over the past elections, and guess where that led us to. Here. In the country of jobless, corrupt and an economically limping nation. 

It cannot be stressed enough how tangible change is needed in our country. All is not lost yet; we have another chance next to determine our future as citizens.

 Keep in mind that the country needs to be on an ascending flight, where everyone is enjoying a piece of the cake. It is possible. Voting gives us absolute power to place our future in the rightful hands. 

It entirely depends on you and I. Nobody blocks elections from taking place, but you and I either decide not to take part, or simply let our votes get influenced by mere political campaigns, and end up gambling with our votes. 

 *Gabriel Gabriel writes about social issues. Catch him on Instagram @uncle_gabes.