Local firm to supply Ohorongo with bags

Home National Local firm to supply Ohorongo with bags

Nuusita Ashipala

OSHAKATI – Ohorongo Cement that since its establishment has sourced cement bags from South Africa, started sourcing its bags from KAPTAU packaging in Oshakati.

KAPTAU is the first local company to produce cement bags.
Although the company has been on the cards since 2013, it only became operational last year and now has the mandate to produce a million bags to Ohorongo by the end of August.

Executive Chairman David Namalenga said the company was established particularly to supply cement sacks to Ohorongo.

The company produces about 10 000 bags a day and it remains optimistic to deliver its target by the set date.
Ohorongo Managing Director Hans-Wilhelm Shütte said Ohorongo is already packaging its cement in the sacks provided by KAPTAU.

He further said an establishment such as KAPTAU is evidence that Namibia is on the right track towards becoming industrialised through the growth at home strategy and its National Development Plans (NDPs).
Shütte was optimistic that KAPTAU will provide sustainable employment for Namibians.

Currently, the company employees 25 full staff members of whom the majority are women.
Praising KAPTAU, Shütte said apart from the employment creation, KAPTAU will further cut on import of cement sacks.
Namalenga is optimistic that an addition of machinery in the new future will up its daily production and therefore create further employment.

Probed whether the bags produced at KAPTAU are of good quality, Shütte was good to add that Ohorongo does not compromise on quality.
Shütte urged other local companies to venture into the manufacturing sector in order to drive industrialisation in the country.